The website is run by wixlogomaker (Wix Logo Maker)
Accessing and using this website means that you agree to all of these terms and conditions. If you don't agree with any of these terms and conditions, you can't use the website or its content in any way. You can't even visit the site or look at it.
You promise and guarantee that you have the legal right to send, upload, or otherwise communicate any data to wixlogomaker and that you agree and understand that wixlogomaker is not responsible for any data it may receive. Note on how the tools are meant to be used You use wixlogomaker's tools at your own risk, and wixlogomaker isn't responsible for any damage that comes from using the tools or not being able to use them. Be aware that wixlogomaker doesn't offer any official support, guarantees that it will always be up, schedules for when it will be down, or bug fixes.
This website is given "AS IS," with no promises or guarantees, either explicit or implied. This website or the information and materials on it doesn't make any guarantees or promises about the future. Without taking away from what was said in the last paragraph, wixlogomaker does not guarantee:
wixlogomaker will not be responsible to you (under the law of contract, the law of torts, or any other law) for anything to do with the content, use, or anything else related to this website:
Even if wixlogomaker has been told directly about the possible loss, these limits on liability still apply.
Unless otherwise stated, everything on this site, including the text, site design, logos, graphics, icons, and images, as well as their selection, assembly, and arrangement, is the property of wixlogomaker, Copyright , ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You can only use the information on this site to use the tools the way they are meant to be used. Without our written permission, nothing on this site can be copied, reproduced, changed, republished, uploaded, posted, sent, transmitted, or distributed in any way. All rights that aren't given outright are reserved. Any unauthorized use of this site's content could be against copyright, trademark, or other laws, which could lead to criminal or civil penalties.
Our website lived on August 1, 2022. These letters received no copyright or trademark protection (wixlogomaker & wix logo maker) at that date.
You agree that wixlogomaker wants to limit the personal liability of its officers and employees as much as possible. You agree that you won't make any personal claims against wixlogomaker's officers or employees for any losses you suffer because of the website. You agree that the limitations on warranties and liability in this Website Disclaimer will also protect wixlogomaker's officers, employees, agents, subsidiaries, successors, sponsors, assigns, and subcontractors. This does not mean that the first sentence is limited in any way. wixlogomaker is not directly or indirectly responsible for any contests run by third parties on any of its websites.
If you don't use a right or rule from these terms, that doesn't mean you're giving up those rights.
If any part of this website disclaimer is or is found to be illegal, that won't affect the other parts.